

Save different value to second field

Main field:
Alternate (usually hidden):
Make sure to view ajax response for proper strucutre

Takes any provided <input type="text"> or <textarea> field that has a placeholder attribute and uses the value of the placeholder attribute to make a placeholder or hint for that field. The placeholder will disappear when the user focuses on the field and return if the user leaves the field and there is no text entered by the user.

Start with an <input> that has a class of ixf-autocomplete then see the following table for other configuration options

This uses the jQuery UI plugin straight out of the box. See the jQuery UI site for documentation.

The following data- attributes can be used to quickly setup timepicker fields.

Name Type Default Options Description
data-ac-source string Can either be a url (for ajax), or the name of an array or function.
data-ac-alternate-id string id of a second input where you want alternate data to be placed.
data-ac-options string You can pass any additional options you want to set custom for this instance. Must be formated with single quotes wrapping the value and double quotes used inside (ex: data-ac-options='{"minLength":"2"}')

Options Column = The script only recognizes these values