
System Feedback

Success! Your record has been saved.


Oops! Please correct the following issues:

  • Email address is required.
  • Date format is invalid.
  • Unit name is mispelled.

Note: Don't forget the following due dates:

  • Annual History is due 07 June 2010,
  • Unit Progress Report is due 14 Jul 2010.

Error! The application has lost contact with the server. Please try again later.


By default clicking the close icon removes the alert from the DOM so that it isn't there to make anything slower. If you want to just hide it instead of remove it to be able to use it again, add a class of keep to the .ixf-alert element.

Inline errors have been temporarily removed from the IxF. The logic behind how they would work, and the code supporting them were not ready. This tab is being left in place for people to find it who knew it was here previously.

Oops! Please correct the following issues:

  • Required Text is required.
  • Error Select is required.
  • Checkboxes is required.
  • etc.
* !
! *
e.g. WMEV-86331212
! * Checkboxes
! Radio Buttons

Page Loading – Used in the master/detail layout where the entire detail portion of the screen needs time to load. It can also be used when loading and entire page, regardless of layout, if there is a delay when loading content.

Action Bar Saving – When you click Save, this is a way of confirming with the user without leaving the page. When saving is complete, a small confirmation follows. The confirmation can stay there until the user navigates away from the page, or they can click to dismiss it.

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