
Yes, this page may have taken a little bit to load. It has 6+ fairly complicated data tables on it for examples. Don't put 6 fairly complicated datatables on one page and you should be fine :)

Default Styling

Adding a class of ixf-table to a <table> will give you the default styling with no functionality.

  Link Text Input Select Date Checkbox  
Hernandez, Pete Carter 22 Jul 1939 Delete
Lewis, Darren Griffin 06 Jan 1970 Delete
Sanders, Dallin Lee 08 Jan 1957 Delete
Collins, Spencer Edwards 09 Dec 1714 Delete
Anderson, Clifton Gonzalez 27 Jun 1794 Delete

Default Functionality

Adding a class of ixf-table to the <table> will cause the IxF to setup base functionality (sorting, etc) and look for other options that have been set.

  Link Text Input Select Date Checkbox  
Baker, Pete Bryant 12 Apr 1853 Delete
Hill, Alfonzo Wood 04 Apr 1913 Delete
Smith, Darren King 09 Oct 1983 Delete
Roberts, Alfonzo Washington 18 Nov 1982 Delete
Wilson, Clifton Bell 11 Dec 1705 Delete

Column Sorting

This example shows sorting on a chosen column by default and setting the sorting type on another column. Sorting is automatically turned off of the first and last columns because they don't have text in the <th>. The IxF will also automatically detect columns that have <input> and <select> elements and sort based on their values, not the HTML of the form elements.

  Link Text Input Select Date Checkbox  
Sanchez, Peter White 13 Dec 1969 Delete
Jenkins, Pete Mitchell 23 Apr 1797 Delete
Butler, Rob Nelson 07 Jan 1752 Delete
James, Alfonzo Bennett 29 Mar 1801 Delete
Long, Rick Nelson 28 Jun 1987 Delete

Column Filtering

To add column filters, add a second row inside the <thead>, with <input type="text"> or <select> fields. If you want sort column headers AND column filter headers, set data-dt-options='{"bSortCellsTop":true}' in the table tag. The IxF will automatically hook them up to be filters for their respective columns.

  Link Text Input Select Date Checkbox  
Edwards, Daniel Lee 22 May 1892 Delete
Robinson, Matthew Jones 10 Nov 1866 Delete
Thompson, Clifton Watson 18 Apr 1716 Delete
Carter, Spencer Jones 18 Aug 1957 Delete
Long, Spencer Patterson 12 Apr 1862 Delete
Morris, Spencer Washington 22 Dec 1940 Delete
Griffin, Rick Brown 29 Jun 1869 Delete
Roberts, Rick Johnson 12 Mar 1777 Delete
Evans, Peter Butler 22 Apr 1945 Delete
Powell, Matthew Ramirez 11 Apr 1898 Delete

Limiting displayed rows

You can optionally limit the number of displayed rows using the data-dt-rows data- attribute. See also the "Where's my pagingation" section in the documentation tab below.

  Link Text Input Select Date Checkbox  
Hughes, Alfonzo Perry 21 Nov 1903 Delete
Lopez, Pete Coleman 15 Aug 1956 Delete
Jones, Clifton Bell 21 Mar 1892 Delete
Williams, Thomas Barnes 18 May 1702 Delete
Morris, Thomas Cooper 29 Mar 1789 Delete
Jenkins, Pete Hernandez 16 Nov 1966 Delete
Howard, Rick Patterson 01 Jan 1973 Delete
Clark, Dallin Nelson 11 Mar 2012 Delete
Cook, Rob Garcia 06 Aug 1964 Delete
Cook, Clifton Torres 16 Oct 1951 Delete
Howard, Daniel James 29 Oct 1920 Delete
Mitchell, Rob Cook 08 May 1823 Delete
James, Todd Diaz 19 Oct 1752 Delete
Thomas, Dallin Cooper 27 Nov 1757 Delete
Cooper, Aaron Patterson 09 Nov 1953 Delete
Showing of Results More

Populate via Ajax

The ajax based datatable is hard to package up to show. We don't have robust multidimensional array searching to fake it, and can't easily pass along a database to search either. So just trust me that you can do it, and look at the IxF API tab below for the options to setup. We will continue to look for an elegant solution to package an example here.

Fixed Header

Just add a class of ixf-fixed to have the IxF add the fixed header functionality.

  Link Text Input Select Date Checkbox  
Johnson, Todd Scott 17 Mar 1797 Delete
Morris, Todd Rogers 13 Oct 1829 Delete
Jenkins, Peter Ward 27 Jun 1906 Delete
Walker, Rob Torres 14 Feb 1804 Delete
Edwards, Todd Turner 22 Jan 1746 Delete
Lee, Alfonzo Washington 24 Mar 1852 Delete
Wilson, Rob Powell 15 Mar 1759 Delete
Morris, Darren Jackson 15 Jul 1957 Delete
Ramirez, Robert Coleman 06 Oct 1925 Delete
Harris, Matthew Adams 15 Jul 1749 Delete
Johnson, Pete Garcia 22 Apr 1883 Delete
Johnson, Alfonzo Jackson 28 Oct 1760 Delete
Richardson, Darren Simmons 01 Sep 1885 Delete
Watson, Aaron Scott 20 Aug 1991 Delete
Sanchez, Thomas Alexander 26 Dec 1734 Delete
Lewis, Spencer Parker 14 Jun 1920 Delete
King, Matthew Bailey 10 Feb 1995 Delete
Smith, Spencer Sanders 24 Apr 1887 Delete
Rogers, Dallin Gonzalez 03 Jul 1940 Delete
Wood, Clifton Lewis 13 Jun 1698 Delete
King, Peter Sanchez 23 Dec 1708 Delete
Carter, Spencer Roberts 14 Nov 1993 Delete
Watson, Clifton Ward 13 Oct 1811 Delete
Watson, Todd Thomas 28 Mar 1873 Delete
Sanchez, Darren Martinez 06 Jun 1871 Delete
Perez, Peter Rivera 30 Sep 1761 Delete
Bailey, Robert Roberts 07 Apr 1954 Delete
Gonzalez, Thomas Ward 23 Jul 1896 Delete
Watson, Thomas Morris 21 Aug 1745 Delete
Martin, Rob Martin 12 Sep 1839 Delete
Bailey, Dallin Rogers 16 Jan 1796 Delete
Diaz, Wade Adams 02 Nov 1744 Delete
Harris, Clifton Barnes 14 Sep 1919 Delete
Russell, Darren Ross 15 Nov 1773 Delete
Thompson, Todd Young 19 Feb 1789 Delete
Jackson, Daniel Ross 09 Jul 1974 Delete
Scott, Daniel Butler 02 Jun 1804 Delete
Bailey, Daniel Long 04 Jan 1871 Delete
Ramirez, Rob Richardson 15 Dec 1804 Delete
Simmons, Spencer Bailey 29 Sep 1992 Delete
Adams, Daniel Carter 16 Feb 1835 Delete
Taylor, Dallin Mitchell 14 Jul 2003 Delete
Morris, Wade Washington 08 Sep 1981 Delete
Cook, Aaron Alexander 21 Nov 1706 Delete
Mitchell, Rob Davis 22 May 1825 Delete
James, Darren Jones 05 Jul 1803 Delete
Taylor, Peter Rogers 25 Apr 1922 Delete
Taylor, Matthew Jones 15 Mar 1863 Delete
Miller, Aaron Ramirez 28 Apr 1872 Delete
Barnes, Thomas Parker 17 Dec 1718 Delete

Takes an existing <table> and adds functionality for searching and sorting the data. If the data is too large for an inline table, you can also have get data via Ajax.

There are two aspects to datatables. The style, and the functionality. You get the style of the table by adding a class of ixf-table to the <table> element. You get the basic functionality by adding a class of ixf-table-default.

The structure of any table within the IxF should follow correct semantics. Use <thead> with <th> elements inside it, as well as a <tbody> element for the content.


This uses the DataTables plugin. You can read up on the full documentation at the DataTables plugin homepage. While certain aspects of the plugin are exposed via the IxF API below, the full plugin is still included and so you can skip adding the ixf-table-default class and call the plugin yourself to get the full functionality.

If you want to use a "more" link, then give it an ID that is the same as the table plus "-more". So if the table's ID is "details", give the more link an ID of "details-more". The IxF will then make the more link work.

Same concept for the "Showing X of Y Results" text. Give the wrapper of the full string an ID that is "tableID-info". Then wrap the numbers in "dt-showing" and "dt-results" classed elements. This allows the words text (showing, of, results) and order to be controlled by the server for other languages.

Again same concept for a single input filter to be used for filtering the whole table. Use an ID of "tableID-filter" on the input element. This allows you to place it where you want and style it accordingly.

The script will look to see if there is a second TR in the THEAD that has TD's in it (as opposed to the TH's you should use for the column headers). The script will see this additional row as a filter row and automatically set up the inputs contained in each TD to be the filter for that column. If there is a select dropdown it will set that up appropriately as well.

Where's My Pagination?

99% of the time, we are hoping it is gone. The IxF uses the DataTables plugin that brings us many great features such as filtering. We believe that filtering is the new pagination. A powerful search/filter should easily replace the best paginations system. DataTables allows us to instantly filter down the tables list to find just what you are looking for. It can use one field to search all columns as in this example, or one field per column for more specific searches.

This filter works both with content in the table on the page, or by sending a request back to the server for when searching huge data sets. You can default to showing whatever number of rows you want (10, 20, etc). We provide a "more" button for if you want to show more at a time. You can see an example of this on the west pane of this page.

Large Amounts of Data

When you have large amounts of data (2-300+ rows) you may want to consider moving to an ajax solution. The datatables plugin supports requesting data from the server and still supports the filtering and sorting as well. It provides the server the data it needs (although maybe not in a way you would expect), and expects the data to come back in a specific JSON format.

For details on how to implement the server side version please see the plugin documentation.

Fixed Table Headers

Gone are the scrolling tables of the past. Now we have new functionality that just fixes the table header when you get to the top of the screen. When the table content needs to go off the screen, the table header goes with it. Just add a class of "ixf-fixed" to your table element and the ixf takes care of the rest.

You can set a limited number of the plugins options via data- attributes as listed below. If you need functionality beyond what these provide, do not use the ixf-table-default method for initialization and configure the plugin yourself for each instance you need. All IxF API options are optional for basic functionality (column sorting, more button, global filter). They will go on either the table or th elements as defined in the description. Usage would be along the lines of:
<th data-dt-sort-type="date">

The following data- attributes can be used to quickly setup timepicker fields.

Name Type Default Options Description
data-dt-rows number 1000 (table) This will limit the displayed rows
data-dt-rows-more number 10 (table) How many rows that will be added when you click more (defaults to dt-rows value or 10 if not set)
data-dt-sort string (th) The column with this assigned will be sorted by default, in the direction you identify. Or if "no", will not be sortable.
data-dt-hide boolean false (th) Hide the column. Must be done via script, not a simple display:none
data-dt-ajax-url string (table) URL of where data for the table should be requested. Data is sent to the server and required to be returned in a very specific format
data-dt-sort-type string (th) For specifying a sort type if the auto sort type detection isn't working as desired. Or for referencing a custom sort type
data-dt-show-filter boolean (table) Should the script provide the one column filter, to be placed directly before the table
data-dt-ajax-post boolean false (table) If you need the ajax to be sent via POST, this will do it
data-dt-options string (table) You can pass any additional options you want to set custom for a table via this. Must be formated with single quotes wrapping the value and double quotes used inside (ex: dt-options='{"iDisplayRow":"15"}')
data-dt-id-col boolean false (th) should go on a single column that you want to be used for row IDs (for use with masterDetail). The column will automatically be hidden and any content within the TDs will be used as the row ID
data-dt-id-prefix string (th) prefix that should be placed before the value of a given row's ID. You can provide the prefix as part of the TD string if you prefer. Regardless, there must be a prefix as IDs can not be just numbers.

Options Column = The script only recognizes these values