
Some forms fields (radio, checkbox, select) will not be styled in IE7/IE8 because they do not support the required CSS.

For the form layout examples below, the only thing that changes is a class on the fieldset.

Layout - Stacked Form (Default)

e.g. WMEV-86331212
* Checkboxes
Radio Buttons

Layout - Table Form

Acts like a table. The label column acts like it is made out of <td> elements where the widest label dictates the width of the column. Simply add a table class somewhere between the .ixf-form element and the <dl> elements.

e.g. WMEV-86331212
* Checkboxes
Radio Buttons

Layout - Stretchy Form

input and textarea elements stretch to take up as much room as possible. Simply add a stretchy class somewhere between the .ixf-form element and the <dl> elements.

e.g. WMEV-86331212
* Checkboxes
Radio Buttons

Layout - Flowing Form

Heads up: You should have a solid business reason to use this form type since they tend to be less usable.


Each field/label pair float left and then wrap when they need to.

e.g. WMEV-86331212
* Checkboxes
Radio Buttons

Read Only

This is for a textual representation of a form for use on view pages. This does not take a normal form and make it text only.

Required Text
Here is the value of this field
Utilities & Drivers
Multiple text fields
This is checked
Radio Buttons
This is normal
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Large field
Medium field
Small field
Extra small field

Input/textarea sizes

The set sizes that are available for inputs and textareas.

Horizontal radio/checkboxes

You can have radio buttons and checkboxes stack horizontally. Just add a class of .options-horizontal above the ixf-option elements. Likely in the <dd> element.

* Checkboxes
Radio Buttons

Action Bar

The action bar will automatically be placed at the bottom of the panel it is contanined in. It will resize and reposition as a user resizes the window or panels.

The IxF automatically puts a placeholder in place wherever the action bar code was first located. This makes sure that content doesn't get stuck behind the actionbar where you wouldn't be able to interact with it.