General Tips & Tricks

Here is some info you might find useful when trying to implement the IxF.

You could potentially break down the IxF into two main parts. The look, and the functionality.

The Look

The IxF has been built out to have a consistent look throughout it's widgets and components. A table comes ready to look awesome next to a form. Widgets like autocomplete, date picker, time picker, etc all have a consistent feel. None feel like they are bolted on. Anything looks great next to anything else. Everything that has been added to the IxF has been carefully considered to fit into the established look and feel.

The look of the IxF can technically stand on it's own. If you don't use any widgets or other JavaScripty goodness, then you still have a great looking platform to make an amazing site very quickly. But you would naturally be missing out on a lot of great work that comes free with the IxF. The functionality.

The Functionality

The IxF is busting at the seems with cool things to use. From sortable and filterable Tables to complex pane based Layouts. While these tools can be very complex to use, we have spent a lot of time and effort to make default configurations that should do most of what you want to do out of the box. If the simple configuration options we provide are not enough, you can always leverage the full functionality of a plugin by writing your own calls to any of the plugins that we include.

Included Plugins

Here are the plugins that are included in the ixf-plugins.js file. We strive to keep all plugins up to date with current releases.

External Plugins

These plugins are written and maintained by external individuals or groups.

Internal Plugins

Some of these don't have documentation pages and were built specifically for the IxF.

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